• Educating. Motivating. Challenging.


    Zooms, Seminars, Podcasts, and Online Learning

    with Neil Lazarus

  • Neil Lazarus

    Motivating Educating Challenging


    Neil Lazarus is a commentator and educator in the fields of Middle East politics, public diplomacy, and effective communication training.


    He has emerged as one of Israel's leading informal educators. His presentations are motivating, informative, and challenging.


    Born in Britain (1967) he emigrated to Israel in 1988 after earning a BA (HONS) in Politics and Russian Studies from the University of Wales.

    He earned a Master's Degree in Political Science from Hebrew University in 1991.

    He has addressed Christian, Muslim and Jewish groups including lawyers, diplomats, community professionals and journalists.

    Neil Lazarus has also instructed and empowered many diplomats, spokespeople and community leaders to explain the complexity of the region themselves in the media and to foreign audiences


    His client list is extensive and has included; Birthright, The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Israeli Ministry of Tourism, Jewish Federations, JCRCs, Sky TV, Russian English TV, Keshet Television, Yad Vashem, Hillel, Hadassah, The Jewish Agency of Israel, The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzlyia, and many more.

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  • The Situation Room

    All the resources you need to understand The Hamas war

    and fight Antisemitism

  • Neil's Seminars In Person or Zoom

    Motivating, educating, and challenging.

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    The Middle East Unmasked

    How is the Middle East changing?

    This seminar provides an in-depth analysis of the week's news in Israel and the Middle East.

    Oct 7, Gaza, US policy, the threat from Iran, the Palestinians,Hamas, Hezbollah, the crisis in Syria and Egypt, Lebanon, the future of the territories, and the tensions within the Israeli Government will all be discussed.



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    How to fight AntiSemitism

    Make a difference

    Join our empowering seminar, "How to Fight Anti-Semitism," where you'll gain invaluable insights and practical strategies to combat one of the most enduring forms of hatred in our world today. In this transformative event, we'll delve deep into the historical roots, contemporary manifestations, and psychological underpinnings of anti-Semitism, arming you with knowledge and awareness to effectively challenge prejudice and discrimination. .

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    What Now for Israel Diaspora Relations?

    Is there a new crisis brewing?

    Controversial but thought-provoking. This seminar raises a simple question: Is the diaspora trying to wash its hands of Israel?

    Do diaspora Jews still relate to Israel positively? A seminar not to be missed


    Number #! seminar

    Behind The Headlines


    Understand the news from Israel in an hour

    Discover the reality of Israeli news in an exciting seminar by Neil Lazarus

    Are you struggling to decipher the complexities of news coming out of Israel? Gain valuable insights and a deeper understanding of the news emanating from Israel.

    Unique Experience

    Who is Hamas?

    POPULAR: A conversation with a Palestinian in the West Bank and Neil Lazarus about the terrorist group Hamas

    This webinar is hosted by Neil Lazarus and a Palestinian in the West Bank who opposes Hamas. Both discuss their thoughts about this genocidal terrorist group. Watch a preview

    Neil Lazarus

    Talk Israel

    Activism for Israel

    Join our seminar to gain the crucial knowledge and skills needed to effectively advocate for Israel in today's ever-evolving landscape. As criticism of Israel continues to surge in the global media and academia, and calls for boycotting the nation grow louder, it's essential for anyone passionate about Israel activism to be well-informed and equipped. In this seminar, you'll delve into the core principles of effective advocacy.


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    How to stop B.D.S in 5 minutes or less

    How to fight the boycott of Israel

    The boycott, divestment and sanctions movement is increasing in success. The need to counter its strength is forever growing. This seminar or webinar is a crucial introduction to countering the growing movement against Israel.

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    Israeli Society and the Holocaust

    Out of the ashes

    Both Israel and Diaspora Jewry consider the Holocaust as a pillar of identity. This fascinating seminar or webinar considers how both have been influenced by the events of the past and set on different, often contradicting narratives of history and identity.

    Israel and the media

    Can Peace Be Settled?

    Meet a Jewish resident of the West Bank

    iscover the intricate narratives and perspectives behind the settlers in the West Bank with our enlightening seminar. Dive into the heart of this complex issue as we delve into their beliefs, motivations, and the question of whether they would ever consider leaving their homes. This seminar or webinar offers a rare chance to engage with a significant voice in this ongoing struggle, fostering a deeper understanding of the region's dynamics and contributing to the pursuit of a lasting peace.

    israel in an hour

    Israel Society in Crisis



    The Hamas attack on October 7th united a divided Israel against a common enemy.

    Discover how the Gaza War has changed some of Israel's divisions, such as how religious the country should be ,Israeli Arabs fit into the national identity, as well as ethnic divisions among the Jewish population. These are just a few of the issues discussed within this presentation.

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    Public Speaking

    Speak with impact

    Unlock the keys to confident and captivating public speaking at our upcoming seminar! Join us to conquer your fear of speaking in front of an audience, gain invaluable techniques to manage speech anxiety, and master the art of preparing a compelling speech. Whether you're a novice or seasoned speaker, this seminar is your gateway to becoming a confident and influential communicator.

    Israel and the media

    Media Training

    Interview with power

    Unlock the secrets to mastering media interviews with our exclusive seminar! Whether you're a seasoned politician, a skilled diplomat, or simply someone navigating the complex world of media interaction, our workshop is tailored to equip you with the tools and techniques needed to excel. Join us and learn how to articulate your message effectively, handle tough questions with confidence, and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

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    Tours of the West Bank and East Jerusalem

    Visit the West Bank and East Jerusalem

    Building in East Jerusalem and the creation of new "settlements" have made the headlines internationally.
    Our tour offers a unique opportunity to navigate the intricacies of this contentious issue, fostering informed discussions and promoting a deeper awareness of the geopolitical dynamics at play. Don't miss the chance to be part of this critical dialogue and broaden your insights into one of the world's most pressing and debated topics.

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    tech For teachers

    You can break the barrier

    "Tech For Teachers" is an enlightening seminar for educators, led by Neil Lazarus, focused on leveraging technology to elevate classroom experiences. This event empowers teachers to explore the latest educational technologies, offering practical strategies for seamless integration into their teaching methods. Whether you're a tech enthusiast or new to digital tools, the seminar provides a collaborative space to exchange ideas and address challenges in using technology to inspire and educate students effectively. Join us in reshaping the future of education through technology at the "Tech For Teachers" seminar.

  • FAQs

    Things you need to know

  • Join Us on zoom

    You can organize a seminar at your campus, or community

    or we can ZOOM

  • What People Say

    We always strive for the best.

    Miriam Ziv: Former Ambassador of Israel to Canada

    "I'd like to thank you very much for your recent tour in Canada.  Judging from the feedback I received your seminars were very effective in engaging and training your audiences to become better advocates for Israel.  You provided students and community members with necessary and pragmatic tools to become stronger advocates for Israel. Your seminars were educational, stimulating and interactive and I believe all of those who participated gained a lot from your sessions."

    Orli Gil: Former Consulate General of Israel Chicago

    " Neil has demonstrated a remarkable ability to inform and engage a wide range..of audiences. His presentations are substantive,educational and hugely entertaining. He successfully communicates an impressive body of knowledge on Israel and the Middle East,while tactfully incorporating personal insights and humor into his presentation.  There is no one in the field of Israel Advocacy that is currently having a great impact than Neil."


    Natan Sharansky: Former Minister for Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs.

    "Your seminars are both educational and informative, and combine interactive teaching methods with a wide combination of pedagogic methods.  Together with your dry humor and extensive knowledge, you provide an essential service to Jews and Christians alike. I very much appreciate your efforts and am pleased to be working with you to help train a growing cader of informed, capable activists for Israel and World Jewry."

    Shlomo Gestetner: Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies

    "Neil is one of the greatest communicators working in Jewish education. He brings professionalism, humor and passion to his talks, and is extremely effective. In the media and propaganda war against Israel and the Jews,  I'm glad he is on our side!"

  • Join Neil's podcast!

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  • Rave reviews

    Neil Lazarus is proving a leading authority


    Inspiring the next generation

    We are about making a long term impact


    Training professionals

    Professionals worldwide are being trained worldwide


    CEO's, diplomats, politicians.

    We having an impact on the lives of so many


    Everybody can benefit 

    The rave reviews keep coming.

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